Friday, October 17, 2014

Snow Serpent (V2) - Cobra Snow Trooper

The G.I. Joe cold weather troops have always come with an assortment of cool gear: skis, snow shoes, ice cleats, etc. So it was only a matter of time before we got one with a snowboard.

The big surprise to me is instead of getting a Joe with a snowboard and a back story about Xtreme sports or something, we got a Cobra troop builder.Which means Cobra has not just one, but whole legions of troopers armed with weapons and snowboards.

That's how committed they are to their cause.

For the new Snow Serpent, I used Rocket Racer and trimmed the wheels off his skateboard.

I'm not sure what he's snowboarding on...maybe the snow is melting but he's making the most of what's left.



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